LHC Safety


LHC Committed to Safety
LHC - Environmental Safety
LHC Committed to Safety


LHC Safety Promise

LHC considers safety as not only a high priority, but a cornerstone in our values and processes throughout our organization. This commitment is driven by the owners, and embraced by management, staff, and crews. Our total safety culture encompasses innovative systems-based approaches and behavior-based approaches that are continuously reviewed and improved to work towards the goal of zero. Zero incidents and zero injuries.

Our employees are our greatest asset, if they can't go home safe every night, then none of this is worth it! - Safety Mission Statement



Annual Training Events, which are two-day events, where employees received training on OSHA, MSHA, and DOT compliance. Employees also participate in additional training on: risk management, hazard identification and analysis, behavioral & systems based approaches because we strongly feel that being just compliant is not enough for a healthy safety culture. Safety is not  just a priority, it's a fundamental value throughout our organization.

LHC Flathead Valley Construction Excavation Paving and Gravel

T: (406) 758 - 6400
F: (406) 758 - 6430

1179 Stillwater Road       P.O. Box 7338
Kalispell, MT 59901        Kalispell, MT 59904

Established in 1968, LHC prides itself on
its reputation and customer satisfaction.



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